New Device Page Banner

This is so minor, but it's just so annoying. The new devices page does not have the advanced filters which means I just can't use it. And continually switching back and forth is not the answer.
So now I have this giant blue ad for the new UI that is just so annoying to look at - especially when it's advertising fewer features as a benefit. Is there any way to make that banner go away? Maybe wait until the new UI reaches feature parity with the "old look" before pushing it out?
@Sarah_from_Atera , do you know if Atera has a beta testing group? If they do maybe we could join it so we can give our takes on new feature sets?
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@dyoder I feel your pain.
Unfortunately due to the complexity of updating it they are progressing at a slow pace on the new UI one section at a time - this has been going on for over 2 years now. But I too would have rather that they had completed it before they released it and made it the default, but that is their design decision.
Sometimes even when you do give feedback in the beta process about the new views - like I did for the new alerts screen - they don't always listen to all the feedback and unfortunately just launch it anyway.
That is why the alerts screen no longer has the ability to see whether the device is actually online anymore - I have been asking for 8 months now for them to fix it. It really does annoy me that they now consider it a separate feature request to put it back to how it was and just move on to something else new and shiny like playing with AI. I can't repeat how important it is to get the basics right first.
and before I get told off for being negative in this post, I am just telling you how it is and I have raised this in every meeting that I have had with my account manager and one meeting with the developers for the last 8 months, so I think that I have given Atera ample opportunity to rectify this.
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@nathan I don’t take it as you being negative in your post at all. I understand that it takes communication from developers to CX and the customers in order to improve the product. 8 months is quite a long time to fix something that used to work well. I also agree that it shouldn’t be a feature request when the feature was working previous to the update and maybe have a support ticket that works like user voice to show that it’s a concern for many clients.
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Hey Atera - I see that they have added a give feedback icon to the new devices screen - this a great addition - please can we see that for every new feature going forward! Well done
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I've passed this on to the team. I don't know if they can - bc it's a lot of maintenance but it could be interesting! We will look into it! i've wanted this for years!!!
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This would be an awesome value add. Thanks team!
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Are you in the beta environment? I'm not in beta and I don't have that feature.
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I'm not in beta either and I'm seeing it. Not sure when it showed up. (I did log in fresh today, but I don't know that that would have affected it.)
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Hi all,
Thanks for the feedback.
It is indeed a long process to redesign new pages and besides the UX improvements and cleaner look it also comes with technology upgrades and maintenance. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
We are working on the advanced filters and custom fields, which should be released soon. We wanted to get the page out and get feedback even at the expense of missing functionality because we allowed users to switch back to the old page.
Also happy to say that we're working on bringing back the device availability indication on the alerts page.
We take user feedback very seriously, as changes may not be immediate because we have planned commitments and need to prioritize we do try to plan ahead and take care of the things you ask for.
All the best,
Yasmin2 -
Thanks @Yasmin from Atera for the update, I look forward to the restoration of the availability indication.
Yasmin wrote:
"We are working on the advanced filters and custom fields, which should be released soon. We wanted to get the page out and get feedback even at the expense of missing functionality because we allowed users to switch back to the old page."
There are 2 things wrong with this statement - Sorry, but we do not want another Microsoft "New outlook for windows" style approach - lets throw it out unfinished with lots of features missing.
And switching back to the old page switches the whole of Atera back to old UI does it not ?
I will say it again, please stop developing new features like AI until the functionality that you already have works well. This was the functionality on which based our purchasing decision.1 -
Any further comment from atera ?
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Hi Nathan,
The device availability is now visible on the alerts page. You can switch only the devices page back to the old look, not the entire system.
We are doing this in parallel- developing new initiatives, expanding existing offerings, and improving the system. We just added a Linux package manager and scheduling future device shutdown actions is coming next week. Hope you'll find this useful :)1 -
Hooray! Thank you @Yasmin from Atera very much for putting the device availability dot there - that will save us so much time. Is there any reason this has not been announced in the what's new or the release notes ? It is important to remember to update these please.
Personally, sorry I am just not that fussed about anything new, as I have said before until the core functionality is fixed first please. All those things in that powerpoint I sent you, Very straightforward things like being able to maximise the registry & file transfer windows (is that really hours of coding to fix or a 2 minute change to the CSS ?) , the missing report for the output from threshold fix scripts etc…
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Sorry but I was under the impression that Atera had committed to updating the release notes every time a new version is released - you have been really good at this up until recently - so are you saying that now we are going back to the bad old days of playing guess what might have been changed this week? If so that is very disappointing.
Ideally release notes should be ready before release - like microsoft do with the message centre - it gives us time to prepare for change and the opportunity to test.
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Hi Nathan! The feature came out after we published the Release Notes. We are trying to update all new features ASAP; and it will be added in next week's Release Notes. All new features are updated in the launchpad on the top of your Atera dashboard, under "New features". See below screenshot.
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Nina wrote: "The feature came out after we published the Release Notes"
That is exactly what I am complaining about - please do not change anything without first informing your customers. I am not sure why you posted the screenshot to where the new features link is - that is where I was looking!
As far as I can see these pages are not being updated regularly:-
Patches and fixes - no updates since July:
new features was last updated on october 3rd:- No mention of the new "agent uninstall prevention"
or in the release notes which have not been updated since September:
We need this information to be up to date and accurate, it has been very lax of late.
I don't understand why I repeatedly have to keep asking for something so basic.
The concept is simple, update the documentation, THEN release and if you have to pull something (like you had to with uninstall prevention) announce that too!
Is it really that hard to achieve ?
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Hi @nathan - There are many items updated in a week. To flood you guys every time there is an update, would not be ideal, and most of our users, would probably consider it "spam". We are aiming for a happy balance. I believe we can achieve one here.
- We have the Release Notes that are updated once a month.
- We have the "New Features", at the top right-hand side of your Atera console, where we update new features much more frequently.
- We update all related Knowledge Base articles.
- We also have an in-app flow to guide our customers when a UX change is made.
PS - FWIW the device availability is mentioned in the launchpad aka "New Features" and does not have its own specific update; it does specify about the Alerts Page UX updates. (from October 15th… also click on "Learn More")
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nina wrote:
"PS - FWIW the device availability is mentioned in the launchpad aka "New Features" and does not have its own specific update; it does specify about the Alerts Page UX updates. (from October 15th… also click on "Learn More")"
yes those 2 items are showing up today - but they were not showing up last week as you can see from my screen shot above on the 24th.
" There are many items updated in a week. To flood you guys every time there is an update, would not be ideal, and most of our users"
I whole heartedly disagree, You are not sending them out by email, i am just asking you to keep the Fixes and patches notes up to date. Last week i had to wate my time yet again contacting support about a fix that they had told us had been released, only to find out that it had not - I could have saved my time and yours if the fixes and patches notes were up to date and just checked there.
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@nina I want to say that @nathan is spot on. This is in the same category as my post here:
Your clients are IT professionals who are often using the tools you provide in creative and unexpected ways. When features and behaviors of Atera change without warning we loose productivity trying to figure out why our processes are breaking. Another event in this category is pointed out here:
This has become a pattern that is really undermining my trust in Atera as a product. I love Atera when it works, but I regularly spend time troubleshooting things that used to work instead of implementing new and better ways to run my business.
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@dfletcher …. Radio silence from the team on yours and my comments.
I did not know that they had moved the chocolatey files - surely that now makes it a non-typical install of chocolatey and will break any official standard methods to update chocolatey ?
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It seems to have gone back to the original location, but if you use an automation profile to install a software bundle on new agents sometimes it installs within the Atera folder instead of ProgramData. We are changing our onboarding process to not rely on automated software installation. We'll manually push a software bundle later in the process. This appears to work.
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My colleague, @Yasmin from Atera , responded in the following post:
"The path is and remains c:\programdata\chocolatey\bin.
In some instances, on some operating systems, after initial agent installation, the path will change due to the environment variable but restarting the agent (or device) will update the path.If you are still experiencing this, please reach out to support so we can help."
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