Fan Speed Threshold - Possible False Alerts - MacBooks and Macs only

mmiyamoto Member Posts: 2
edited March 7 in Remote Monitoring

We have received what seems to be false 'fan threshhold alerts', but only on a few Macs. It showed as 0 RP/M. This started with one newer macbook pro. Unfortunately, the user is remote, so we couldn't inspect it, but he did take the macbook pro to the apple store, for us. The genius bar took it apart, and said the hardware was fine. We wanted to see if anyone else was getting a similar false positive, like this.


  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 416 admin

    Hey, there was also a discussion on Reddit -

    Some of the nuggets from there:
    - Macs turn off fans automatically 
    - We made a threshold for Mac's that just ignore the fan speed.

    I think that considering the Mac hardware<>software is not an issue, going with a threshold option is a good workaround.