Restrict non-admin technician to close other technician tickets
Hi team,
Not sure if anyone has come across this but I think system should not allow technicians (non-admin) to close other technicians ticket.
It can impact Customer satisfaction rathing if the ticket was closed before proper communication was sent to end user.
Hi @sandeep.h - there are permissions to prevent technicians from viewing tickets that are not assigned to them. For more information, visit the following KB article here.
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Hi Nina,
Thanks for that. I guess we want our tech to be able to view all tickets but just not allow them them to close it. Viewing is important as if the client calls and tech is not available then they can atleast provide update. but it will be nice if they are not allowed to close other tech tickets.
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Hi @sandeep.h - This is a great idea and should be added to our features board, UserVoice.
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Thanks Nina. Created it on feature board.
.Hopefully, it gets enough votes so it gets attention from the product team.
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