💁New feature alert - Introducing the new help widget!

gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 248 admin

You’ve probably seen some changes in the layout menus – it’s a bit cleaner and some items have moved places so that all the information is now concentrated in one place.
So what can the help widget do for you?

Introducing - the new help widget, where you’ll find useful links, live support chat, and an AI-powered assistant to answer your free-form questions.

The product updates will open a subset menu that includes access to some items that used to appear in the 💡UI in the top menu:

  • Features updates 
  • Webinars 
  • Events
  • Atera’s Product Roadmap

This is also where you’ll find the always-updated status page to verify if any service is down or under maintenance.

‘Start live chat’ will pop up a chatbox with our customer support, so you can write your issue, upload files, and even email the transcript once you’re done. No more emails and window switching, now you can achieve more directly from the agent!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, it’s our real live support staff replying on the other side!

Check the widget out today, and see how it can make your day easier and help you enhance your productivity. It's going to get more updates in the next iterations, so you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and help navigate the feature -
Like the new layout and widget? What would you improve? Which links and info would you like to see added in the widget?



  • iectechbrian
    iectechbrian Member Posts: 147 ✭✭✭✭

    This will be nice! In the past I (was a bit lazy, and rather than going through the website to find webinars I) would just wait for a new webinar email or go to an old one and then view the upcoming webinars!