Adobe Reader Install
Does anyone have a working powershell script to download and install adobe reader, I had one that has worked for months but it no longer works.
Why not just use the Chocolatey install ?
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@derek Go to the PC that you need Adobe installed and go to Manage and then Software Installation.
Then Search for Adobe and select Acrobat Reader DC
Then input your parameters for installation (the ones at the end of the post will install, place a shortcut on the desktop, and set it to auto-update.)
choco install adobereader -params '"/DesktopIcon /EnableUpdateService /UpdateMode:4
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Thanks for the write up, this was what I was suggesting.
Why reinvent the wheel if it's so easy to push from the console.
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Does Chocolatey have to be installed on the target machine in order for this to work ?
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Nope, not sure exactly how it works though. I think it uses the equivalent of a "portable" copy of Chocolatey.
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i ended up usinf Chocolatey.
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Is there a way to get the most recent addition, it looks like the choclately release is quite old.
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The version of Adobe Reader available in our Software installation module is based on the latest approved version in Chocolatey. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader was added to Chocolately on the 1st of April. It passed the automated virus scanning, but the human verification process is still ongoing. From our end, we cannot provide a timeline for when this process will end.
You can wait for the new version to be added to the approved software list, and using an IT Automation profile, the application will be updated automatically on your devices that have the profile assigned.
Unfortunately, there are not many workarounds. You could attempt to install the Adobe Customization Wizard to generate an installer for the latest version and use a script to install the software application.0
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