Known Splashtop issue for Mac devices

gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

Hey gang,

We've been updated of a known issue from the Splashtop team.

Thank you for reaching out to Splashtop Support.
To provide more details, there is an ongoing issue with the Splashtop software crashing on macOS 15 and later due to a bug on Apple's side. Splashtop has confirmed that no changes were made on our end, and we are currently waiting for Apple to release an official update to resolve this issue.
In the meantime, if you have access to another Mac device, we recommend using the Handoff feature as an alternative solution,



  • hegedusa
    hegedusa Member Posts: 13

    there’s an update to Splashtop rmm for macOS, version works now!

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Woohoo! thanks for updating @hegedusa you're a champ!

  • pgorski
    pgorski Member Posts: 5

    This isn't just a MacOS 15 issue. I routinely have to reinstall Atera and Splashtop on Macs running MacOS 13 and 14 too to get Splashtop work, then only temporarily. Most recently clean installs of MacOS 15 and Atera/Splashtop fail to get Splashtop working and v3.6.6.1 hasn't improved the situation.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Could you open a ticket with our support? This requires technical eyes and I don't want to be a bottleneck for a solution.