Timesheet seperate type of ticket

victor.nordstrom Member Posts: 5

I would like to be able to separate the types of tickets (Incident, Request, Change, Problem) in the timesheet report. This way, I can easily filter out, for example, Requests and invoice only these.
Is it possible to add this to the timesheet report?
Alternatively, is there another report where this can be done?



  • anton
    anton Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2024

    I believe you have to create a custom report for this, using the "ticket type" set to filter it.

    Heres a start:

    Add the necessary fields:

    Lastly save dashboard and add filters to it, ex. customer, ticket type and billable.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Nice one @anton

  • victor.nordstrom
    victor.nordstrom Member Posts: 5

    Thank you, It seems i have to upgrade to a diferent plan to be able to create custom reports.

  • victor.nordstrom
    victor.nordstrom Member Posts: 5

    Another way I thought of could be to create a custom field that includes Incident, Request, Problem, Change, and then hide the default "Type" field. Custom fields can be chosen to be displayed in the timesheet report.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    let us know if that works out?

    and yes - the upgrade would be required. I'm sending you a DM, might be able to help.

  • victor.nordstrom
    victor.nordstrom Member Posts: 5

    It worked to create a custom field for Type. And that field is included in the Timesheet report.

    However, there is also some extra work as Type needs to be set in both the default field and the custom field, so there is a bit of double administration.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Thanks for the update, that's a good point for us to improve as well!