Synology SNMP Templates

tramach Member Posts: 5

I've tried quite a few templates to monitor Synology NAS units. None of them seem to be able to check the OIDs that match up with RAID. Has anyone had success with that?


From the Synology SNMP MIB Guide:
.4 - raidFreeSize - Counter64 -The free size of
volume / disk group - DSM, DSM UC

It seems like that leaf doesn't exist on any Synology NAS I've tested, but it's in every template. There is another relating to the total space that doesn't seem to work. Any tips on how to query this data?



  • frank.pietersma
    frank.pietersma Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    Hi @tramach I think this is the one you're looking for:


    RAID Status (1=OK, 11=Degrade, 12=Crashed)

    I've also been searching for the oid which measures available disk space but to my surprise I couldn't find it either

    The AI couldn't generated it as well but that did not came as a surprise 😂

  • tramach
    tramach Member Posts: 5

    Yes, the .3 one works correctly for me.

    Supposedly, .4 and .5 should return the free size and the total size of a volume / disk group.

    Page 08 here

    The thing is, it's in all the templates in the shared SNMP library. If it doesn't work, why keep putting it in there? I'm assuming others are able to get it working, and I'm missing something. It seems to me like the leaf is missing, but it also occurred to me that it might be that the value returned is something that Atera doesn't like, since it says it's a "Counter64" value. Not an integer or string.

    Could it be exposed only in certain versions of SNMP? v2 or v3? I might test that next.

  • tramach
    tramach Member Posts: 5


    I got it! Changed to SNMP v2 and there are more leafs. I can now read the ones relating to disk space!

  • frank.pietersma
    frank.pietersma Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭

    Good job sir. Yes the shared library is a bit of a mess. Many great templates and a lot of rubbish.
    Multiple customers have proposed solutions for it but it appears as if Atera has no focus on it.

  • kim
    kim Member Posts: 113 ✭✭✭

    @frank.pietersma I haven't been too much into the SMNP library, but are there a lot of outdated ones?

  • frank.pietersma
    frank.pietersma Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭

    @kim Yes that is the case. And until now the AI has not generated any usefull oid's.
    In general, SNMP monitoring in Atera is cumbersome. It's been going on for long and we should do something about it. Let's make it better, but do not wait too long ;-)

  • tramach
    tramach Member Posts: 5

    I agree, it's cumbersome. The top half for values, and the bottom for the ones you monitor. However, at the bottom it doesn't show you what the value is. There should be another column on the bottom that shows what is retrieved. Don't forget that it's obnoxious that you can't edit anything if there's a typo.

  • mjones
    mjones Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭✭

    Hear me out, a checkbox to add it to the "monitored" list, and then you could configure the threashold down below or inline.

  • kim
    kim Member Posts: 113 ✭✭✭

    @MJones I think that's an awesome idea. @nina what do you think about this checkbox? Shouldn't be too hard to implement I think (with my pretend developer hat on)