Community survey: The search for a better search functionality! 🔎

gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 369 admin

Hey gang,

We know that you’re always searching for ways to make things easier, by making them faster, more efficient, and more accurate, which is why we’re asking for your insight as we tackle one of the year's first feature updates.
We’re revamping Atera’s global search functionality and need your input!

So what are we looking for?
We want to make sure our search functionality truly meets your needs and helps you find what you're looking for—quickly and easily.

Here are a few questions to guide your feedback, but feel free to add more:

1. How do you currently use the search in Atera and what do you search for?

  •  (e.g. tickets, devices, contacts, knowledge articles, etc.)
  • Which of them work well, and which of them don’t?

2. What are you really looking for?

  • Which features or improvements would make search better for you? 
  • Is it a shortcut? A query? 
  • How do you want to search? Simple queries? Advanced? Filters? Natural language? 

3. So you found the result you’re looking for - now what?

  • What do you expect to see?
  • What action will it lead you to take?

4. What would an ideal search experience look like for you?

  • Feel free to share examples from products that got it right and you want to see implemented in Atera!

Your feedback will directly shape the improvements we make.
And of course, I’m giving out badges to anyone who contributes to our survey!

Drop your thoughts below and discuss!


  • Jim_at_Ultrex
    Jim_at_Ultrex Member Posts: 1 ✭

    When I go to the customer page, it auto puts my cursor into the search box- very useful. But then if I scroll down at all, not only can't I just type, but the search box it hidden even if I scroll all the way back up. This makes for a lot of clicking away then clicking back. I'd really like every page to have a sticky search box that doesnt hide away. That contextual search is VERY helpful.

  • mbudke
    mbudke Member Posts: 144 ✭✭✭

    1. How do you currently use the search in Atera and what do you search for?
      Currently I do not use it much. I've used it sometimes for tickets because this is the only way to find them :)
    2. What are you really looking for?
      From my point of view the search must be splitted.
      When using the "global search" in top of the screen then I want to search in all of my content.
      When being on a separate page (tickets, customers, agents..) then I want to have a search which only focus on this area. Other results in this case would just disturb.
    3. So you found the result you’re looking for - now what?
      Click on it and end up on what I searched for (agent, ticket, customer..)
      Maybe for the global search it would be nice to have some sort of devided screen which keeps the search results and lets me jump to the next search results if the first was not what I was looking for.
      I search for "meyer" which is a quite common name in Germany. Now I get 5 results. I click on the first and can see that this is not the contact I was looking for. Then I click the 2nd witzhout starting a new search and so on.
      Especially for tickets or KB articles this would be helpful.
    4. What would an ideal search experience look like for you?
      Please have a look on the search of Atlassian JIRA when searching for tickets. You can apply filters like in your advanced reports and you could also use some JIRA query (similar to SQL) which allows you to even add more filter options.
      For each search query you can set the columns to display and the way how to order.
      Maybe as an addition it would be cool to use your "in Atera tabs" on which you are working. I've seen these in a webinar. If I could open multiple tabs from my Search directly in Atera this would be cool. Would it be possible to "keep" the tabs e.g. when I switch computer or logout/ login?
  • tanderson
    tanderson Member Posts: 307 ✭✭✭✭

    Honestly, I believe the search functionality is working well overall. While there might be room for improvement, I think there are more significant areas of the platform that should take priority. For example, features like cascading contracts, more robust ticket queues, reliable alert functionality, and consistent notifications would greatly enhance usability and overall value. Focusing on these larger issues would have a far greater impact than refining the search at this time.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 369 admin

    Great stuff, would love to see more!
    This is a great opportunity to influence the product directly in the early design phase :)

  • iectechbrian
    iectechbrian Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭✭

    1. How do you currently use the search in Atera and what do you search for?

    •  I search almost exclusively for past tickets that may have relevance to a current ticket, with sometimes looking for a past ticket someone may or may not have submitted.

    2. What are you really looking for?

    • The ability to use keywords (without having to pre-tag keywords like in the knowledgebase) to search is a great start, but eventually natural language would be ideal. (IE 'Tickets talking about the computer in exam lane 5.')

    3. So you found the result you’re looking for - now what?

    • I go into the ticket, but with search currently, if it does not return a result, I am not quite sure that there actually is not a result.

    4. What would an ideal search experience look like for you?

    • Natural language search would be great, like my response in item 2.
  • lauri.kinnunen
    lauri.kinnunen Member Posts: 22 ✭✭✭

    I would like the ability to jump directly on a ticket when search is #123456 (i mean ticket number)

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 369 admin

    Your badges were awarded and the team sends their thanks to you all!