Advanced Reporting - Software
I am trying to build a report that will give me a list of devices that does NOT have software installed, I can't seem to figure it out.
I.E. say I had 5 computers, 4 out of the 5 computers had Chrome installed but 1 did not. I want a report that will list the 1 computer that does not have it installed.
Also curious to know what fields to use for this in a custom report..
I've had better success with using the "advanced filter" on Devices-tab.
Maybe that can work for you too? The results in the list can be exported.
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Yes, I get the same results as you do when using custom report with that pod. Probably needs a custom expression or something?
I should have been more clear. sorry.
This is the section I meant you could be using to filter software. In the meantime:
Go to Devices → Filters → Advanced Filters
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I see what you mean, that does work in a sense and I appreciate you bringing that up. Just wish there was some way to do it in advanced reporting that way I could just schedule a monthly software audit report.
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