Feature need for security compliance: Force webroot install on all Customer devices.
I have more and more customers purchasing cyber security insurance which often comes with compliance requirements such as patch management and antivirus (or same with HIPAA, PCI/DSS) - exactly what Atera provides… But it does not work.
Feature requirement:
Customer level Automation or something to check antivirus status as soon as agent comes online. if no antivirus install it immediately.
Currently what happens:
Pre-Existing customer has 50 devices and decides they NEED antivirus to meet compliance requirements. I select all devices to deploy webroot to, 3 things happen:
- Only works if device is online.
- Deploying to multiple devices causes a very annoying confirmation dialogue to every single device, no confirming each one in theory means it wont install.
- If the device is online, but has not rebooted in the last 48 hours - the agent probably never sends the deployment command - no idea what happens, but it says its deploying and never gets Webroot. (support has looked in to this 3 times and no solution)
What happens next - customer must perform an audit, audit report shows no antivirus on the majority of their devices = audit failure, and I lose the client.
Other scenario: a customer gets infected and wants to move forward with site wide antivirus - they are in a VERY URGENT STATE - I tell them no problem with the click of Atera I will deploy webroot in minutes to all your devices - but this takes days or weeks due to above current situation - another client lost.
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