Ticketing Tray

mbudke Member Posts: 144 ✭✭✭

Hey all,

thanks to @gilgi the ticketing tray has been made available in more languages including german! :-) Yeha!

While testing the new functionality I discovered that my ticketing tray was often not available/visible on many clients which was the reason I contacted support. This seems to be a known issue and the support did provide me with a nice workaround which I would like to share in case you experience the same:

The following part is from within the workaround description

  • For the first step, you will need to create the auto-healing script in your script library. To do so, you need to navigate to Admin > Scripts > Create script. This is a PowerShell script ( .ps1 ) that will execute the HelpDesk agent executable when the process is not running.
  • Please keep in mind that this script needs to run as the 'Current User' as the 'TicketinTray.exe' process is set up to run only as the currently logged-in user. You can set up this option by clicking on the 'More script properties' and selecting 'Current user'.
  • Below you can find a script, along with a picture of how the script should look before saving.

  • For the second part, you will need to create a new Threshold Item to your Threshold profile that is monitoring the 'TicketingTray.exe' process. In case this process is not running on a device, an alert will be generated and the auto-healing script will be triggered, forcing the HelpDesk agent to run again on the devices.
  • To do so, you can navigate to Admin > Thresholds > Select your threshold profile > New item button > Custom tab > Process Monitoring category > Select a severity for the alert > Input the Process Name ( TicketingTray.exe ) & Select the auto-healing script created initially.
  • Below you can find a picture of how the Threshold Item should look before adding. Once added, save the Threshold profile's new configuration.
—I hope you find this useful.


  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 378 admin

    Thanks for sharing @mbudke, really solid writing, nice touch with the screenshots 🤩

    I must admit that despite the credit attributed to me, this was a team effort, done with our German technical writer, the PSA product manager and a whole bunch of devs!
    That said, the timely push that you brought up in our talks was great, and I encourage everyone to raise their ideas and suggestions.

    The feature still has more ironing out, but this workaround should help roll it out faster with your clients.
    Would love to hear from you if you're using it already, and if your customers have their own feedback :)

  • jeremy.densmore
    jeremy.densmore Member Posts: 5

    @Gilgi, Curious if there has been any update on this dissapearing agent issue? Also has this fix been integrated into the scripting portion of Atera yet?

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 378 admin

    OOf :(
    Seems it's still persisting? Would you mind opening a ticket with support? As this is an end user issue they might need information that I can't access.

    As per the scripting - could you elaborate more? Scripting and additional languages? If you can provide an example that would be super helpful!

  • jeremy.densmore
    jeremy.densmore Member Posts: 5

    I have had a ticket in for over a month now….

    I meant is there a way you can build and incorporate this fix into Ateras automation or integrate it into Atera in general so we just “enable it”?

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 378 admin

    I'll have this checked - what is the ticket # please?