Alerts when device recovers
Hello @ahong,
Hope you are doing well.
We don't have a built-in option to receive alerts when a device appears online in Atera.
There is a workaround to use a script that generates alerts when a device appears online.
Please check the article, it is possible that this option would provide you with a suitable solution.
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Hi dragos.t
Thanks for the info. I have 4 different "monitor device" types (ie snmp, tcp, http, generic) and most is snmp. Does this script support all 4 types?
I see ping so think it only support generic. If so, I have about 32 generic devices. Do I have to create 32 scripts for each device?
Thanks again
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Hello @ahong,
The script that I provided only works on Windows devices(agents), the script cannot run on snmp/tcp/http/generic devices.
The only way you could be able to achieve this for snmp/tcp/http/generic devices would be to create an API that monitors the status of these devices. In the screenshot below the device is offline, for online it turns into true.
Using the API, you could create a program that notifies you of online status, but you might encounter issues when it comes to API Limits.
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