Introducing Atera's new Patch Management Dashboard: Your single-pane solution for managing complianc

gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

Get ready to simplify and strengthen your patch management with Atera’s latest innovation—the Patch Management Dashboard! This powerful tool brings you real-time insights into patch compliance and helps mitigate vulnerabilities with just a few clicks, giving you centralized control over device security and patch updates.

The value of the Patch Management Dashboard

The Patch Management Dashboard provides an all-encompassing view of your patch compliance status across all customers and devices. Its key features empower you to:

  • Ensure compliance across all devices: Quickly see patch compliance levels across customer groups, folders, device types, and patch classifications. Stay in control with clear insights into which devices need immediate attention.
  • Identify and prioritize vulnerable devices: Highlight your most vulnerable devices and streamline patch installation for the highest-risk areas.
  • Monitor key patching metrics at a glance: Track critical patching details, such as missing OS patches, devices requiring reboots, and patches pending review.

Key widgets and features

  1. Patching status: Instantly view the percentage of devices fully patched and up-to-date. Easily filter by customer or device type, and click to access more details for any subset of devices needing updates.
  2. Top vulnerable devices: Focus on the most vulnerable devices in your network. Sort by devices with the most missing patches, and directly install updates to improve overall security quickly.
  3. Top missing OS patches: See which OS patches are most commonly missing across devices, so you can address widespread vulnerabilities in one streamlined view.
  4. Patch action center: Take control of critical patching tasks from one hub. Access devices needing critical patches, pending reboots, or other immediate actions with a single click.

Seamless filtering and customization

Filter your view by specific criteria—such as customer, folder, device availability, or patch classification—on the ‘Overview’, ‘Devices’, or ‘OS Patches’ tabs. Tailor your dashboard to display exactly what matters most, enabling quick responses to urgent patching needs without digging through extra data.

Manage patches with unmatched efficiency

Patch directly from the dashboard: With the new streamlined interface, you can install patches directly from the ‘Top vulnerable devices’, ‘Patch action center’, ‘OS patches, and ‘Devices’ tabs. Every step of the process is optimized for speed and efficiency, reducing time spent on patching while maintaining comprehensive coverage.

Automated reboot management: For patches requiring a reboot, the Patch Management Dashboard allows you to reboot devices individually or in bulk. Notify users ahead of time, set a future reboot schedule, or restart devices instantly for seamless patch deployment.

Get started

This is a MASSIVE upgrade, offering intuitive tools to keep your systems fully patched and up-to-date, securing your environment, and minimizing vulnerabilities. Simplify compliance, save time, and protect your organization’s devices with Atera’s latest enhancement in patch management.

This robust feature is highly customizable, which is why I encourage going through the knowledge base article to maximize your benefit from this exciting new feature.

Start exploring this feature today to transform your patch management approach!



  • mbudke
    mbudke Member Posts: 146 ✭✭✭

    Hi @gilgi ,

    thanks a lot for presenting this new feature - I really like it!
    This makes patching much easier and tbh it works like a charm :) I did test it on a few devices and voilá these are patched.
    Good implementation!

    I do have some minor improvement ideas I want to share:

    • The patches are displayed in multiple tables. It would be nice if another column can be added to show the releasedate of the patch (if known). That makes life easier especially when there was just "patch tuesday" and the patch shall not directly be installed on release date. Comparing KB numbers works but is not that handy.
    • it would be nice when there is an option to "hide" patches. E.g. some printer drivers did not update properly so currently there is no way to get these out of the list. Also some patches maybe shall not be installed at all or just at a specific device
    • it would be nice to add the software patches which are not yet considered
    • it would be nice to save filters, e.g. I often filter for "is device online + a windows pc" but the filter disappears once I change the page

    But these are just minor things from my point of view which would make the page perfect :-)

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Thanks @mbudke
    Shared both the compliments and the suggestions with our RMM team, I'll ping you if they have further questions about either the use or the requests :))

  • akhil
    akhil Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    The new Patch Management dashboard is a significant improvement. It offers a comprehensive view of the current patch status.

    To enhance its utility, we suggest adding an export feature to capture the GUI output as an image. This would make it simpler to share and integrate the report into monthly or quarterly updates.

    Visual reports are often more impactful than traditional formats like Excel or PDF.

  • AlexYoungNSM
    AlexYoungNSM Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Yeah i really like the new patch management as well, good job! :)

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Appreciate it, the positive feedback encourages us a lot, I also shared the export option, as a visual learner myself, I agree @akhil

  • akhil
    akhil Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thank you gilgi

  • leighr
    leighr Member Posts: 2

    Hi @gilgi,

    I've been using this feature pretty regularly and am really enjoying it, I think it's an important tool to have in my bag and I appreciate you guys building it. One really important thing that this has done for me is I've been able to find and fix a whole heap of issues with systems that had mis-installed patches or other issues blocking updates.

    I probably have two main pieces of feedback to pass on that would make my usage even more effective / efficient, hopefully it's useful:

    1. Security intelligence updates for Defender come out basically every day, and this means I'm usually sitting around 30% patched on the dashboard when I look, until I manually update myself. The patched metric to me would be more useful if it could be configured with a timeframe i.e. our standard is that a system isn't "patched" if there's a critical patch outstanding, or a patch more than 24 hours old. Having this would give me an immediate snapshot on a more meaningful patch status in our org and would also help me make sure that the daily auto updates are working correctly.

    2. A bit more integration with manual updates might be useful i.e.

    • Being able to automatically grab a KB from the Microsoft update catalog and/or run the package to install or uninstall the KB on the system. This would allow me to quickly clear most issues I have when a patch is incorrectly installed on the system and not showing in the installed patches list.
    • Being able to run common troubleshooting on Windows update (clearing cache etc).

      We use scripts to overcome some of this, and that's fine, but a first party integration would be amazing to have.

    Either way, I really dig the feature and as we're growing in terms of headcount and our compliance needs this is a really timely and valuable feature for us.



  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    HUGE thanks for the detail and suggestions @leighr, I shared both your kind words and the requests with the product team.

    The first point you make is very revealing of actual real-life use of the metric, really thankful for that insight, the second part I think is more intricate, and perhaps is better suited as a feature request as well