Acronis is not a great solution. be careful when deploying

COOLNETAU Member Posts: 50

We deployed to a client running a LOB app that is kind of old.

Acronis defaults to aggressive anti crypto locker defence.

so - be me,

install Acronis with defaults and watch as the Acronis sees an older binary and classifies it as ransomware.

It then proceeded to destroy the DBF files required by the application and lost all data

this was all while uploading the first backup to the cloud hosting.

so, no FULL BACKUP - although enough data was (possibly) uploaded to recover these files from early in the morning. - but no complete backup VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE - so no full backup but several gigabytes on the acronis servers

We have historical backups from a few days back because we are not rubes, so the client is fine.

Where I have a problem.

  1. Acronis should not be doing ANYTHING to a client machine until Acronis can prove they have a viable backup on their system from a point in time. WHY THE HECK DO YOU KILL A PROCESS AND REVERT (AKA ZERO OUT) data files?
  2. Acronis support. it need a boot shoved up… well. you know where. - First guy was great, he understood the gravity of the situation and elevated to higher tier support. - PROMISED A CALL BACK WITHIN THE HOUR.
    1. No Callback as promised
    2. subsequent email ignored for 12-18 hours and replied to with boilerplate "Oh I have determined that your issue is not important enough for tier 2, please read this crap that tells you nothing about your issue and I have de-escalated your ticket because it is not important" to paraphrase
    3. subsequent "hey you misunderstand" emails get more boilerplate.

I do not recommend this company for anything mission critical.

I will be shouting this from the rooftops.

this is my first rooftop.


  • tanderson
    tanderson Member Posts: 272 ✭✭✭✭

    I agree; we only use Acronis for backups now. I hoped they could be an excellent all-in-one security, patching, backup, and email security solution. After going down some of those routes, nope, just backups. Honestly, they are not very competitive with pricing either for their backups. Their stupid price calculator is way to complicated and their support in my experience has always been trash.

  • nippun
    nippun Member Posts: 3

    so what do you guys prefer as a backup solution for your clients? I am looking to implement something and I was going to use Acronis but open for suggestions.

    COOLNETAU Member Posts: 50

    acronis is fine as long as you turn off their "aggressive" antimalware.

    otherwise axcient is awesome. no BS addons

    otherwise -

  • tanderson
    tanderson Member Posts: 272 ✭✭✭✭

    @nippun I like Acronis for specific backups, but we use Backblaze for all our NAS backups, and that works very well. They have a desktop app now, too, for PC backup, and it is very cheap—like $15-$20 per PC for the year, if I remember correctly.

  • tanderson
    tanderson Member Posts: 272 ✭✭✭✭

    Sorry I was wrong, must have been a different solution or their price went up. Here is their current offer:

    Protect workstations for only $99 per computer per year with transparent pricing and flexible billing periods. Our Groups feature lets you manage multiple computers and users and add advanced management capabilities with Enterprise Control for an additional $24 per computer per year.

    Which is still incredibly cheap for backups if you are selling monthly. $15/Month to your client and you are making decent money.