tray icon looks bad

COOLNETAU Member Posts: 61 ✭✭

So we used the same icon in Syncro and it looked like this shows (and as your whitelabel page shows)

However, this is what it looks like in windows

something is not right. in syncro it looked great. well defined



  • Russ
    Russ Member Posts: 29

    I personally haven't experienced this with Atera but am curious what the answer is going to be. The obvious question is the resolution and quality of the icon but you showed it looks just fine in a tab heading. Have you looked at the icon in an icon specific image tool or some other image tool and verified it looks proper at 16x16 size?

    Did you "grab" or extract the icon yourself from somewhere else? I.e. did you create the icon file you are using or did you just copy the .ico file from somewhere else?

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 378 admin

    I'm not familiar enough with the white labeling areas and have sent a msg to our PMs.
    Just wondering if @Russ suggestion to try a higher resolution file works for you?
    Favicons are usually 16*16 but those should be exported from the original file.

    Another question - if you connect your computer to another screen, is there any difference?

    COOLNETAU Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
    COOLNETAU Member Posts: 61 ✭✭

    Honestly though, since many of my clients do not want staff being assigned to machines the point may be moot.