Export all BitLocker keys via the API

sschillinger Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭✭

This has been brought up before, but we need to be able to export all of the BitLockers keys for machines via the API.

In light of the CrowdStrike issues late last week, I feel for anyone that has been affected by such a simple mistake that took down giants last week.

It's not a workable solution to have to open each agent and unhide the key to copy it into a spreadsheet.

Can everyone please go mob approve this change request:



  • mbudke
    mbudke Member Posts: 146 ✭✭✭

    Hmm.. previously when I did open the Uservoice it did log me in with my Atera account. This seems not to work anymore. Does it work for you?

  • DP
    DP Member Posts: 57 ✭✭✭

    Is there a way to use the reporting to print out all of the Bitlockers keys via Atera currently?

  • dragos.t
    dragos.t Internal, Support Moderator Posts: 51 admin

    Hello everyone,

    Please see my post on this thread to see some options when it comes to exporting Bitlocker keys.

    Bitlocker report — Atera's IT Community

    Also, I have forwarded your threads to our teams. I always suggest everyone post/vote on the idea on the Features board.