"Form Template" - Most Useless Feature In Atera

tanderson Member Posts: 279 ✭✭✭✭

@gilgi Please help me update this useless feature to one of the most used features before the new year. With a big push and a day's worth of programming work, this could easily become one of the best features of Atera.

Currently, the Form Template only gives you access to adjust these settings:

A Form Template should instead adjust all of these settings:

I frequently come back to the same conclusion: the form template is the most useless feature released to date. I don't need to quickly fill out the Ticket Properties as often as I would like to quickly fill out the Ticket Creation Fields. A Form Template should allow me to fill out the Customer, Contact, Ticket Title, and Description as well as the Ticket Properties.

I do not need a scheduled ticket for all tasks because some tasks just don't work on a regular schedule. However, I frequently need to make the same or very similar tickets for clients or internally, and updating the Form Template feature in this manner would significantly improve the feature.
