Inherited Threshold profiles
So, I have several things I want to occur across ALL devices based on a threshold.
I also have devices/companies that want modified thresholds based on factors.
Rather than creating a new threshold for each "exception"
I suggest we have a MASTER Profile or whatever - then subsequent profiles can say "base me on profile X and anything that contradicts the stuff in X will take precedence.
so Profile X says
Alert Warning on disk at 60% usage.
Profile Y (based on X) now says - Alert at 70%
I know this is a fundamental change but would be useful.
at least allow us to have several threshold profiles much like the automation profiles. we could then separate out things we need to change and just apply the thresholds we want to a folder/group etc
I totally agree to your point.
Instead of having a "master profile" I would rather prefer to have the chance to apply multiple profiles to a computer, group or customer.This allows to have e.g. a profile per software application:
- backup software
- antivirus software
- printing solution
- office
- ...
- windows client
- windows server
- monitor drive c:
- monitor drive d:
- monitor drive e:
This would also allow to cover your request
- monitor drive c: 70%
- monitor drive c: 60%
The you can open a client, group or specific agent and assign the thresholds you need.
E.g. my server XYZ requires:
- windows server
- monitor drive c: 60%
- backup software
- antivirus software
If there is a new eventlog in your backup software then you only need to adjust this specific profile and not all again.What do you think?
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Oh totally - this gives us a total coverage with selected profiles. this is kind of what I was suggesting in later half of inital post
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the only problem is when the thresholds conflict.
they would have to be ordered so that they can override each other depending on ordering
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Very good point! I agree that ordering or profile priority would be great!
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