Bitwarden integration
So, this is a longish one.
Bitwarden is great. upvote the thing here
Bitwarden Integration – Got a new feature idea? Share it! (
it works really well (except this week when the clients are all taking forever to work - I digress)
suggestion is this.
for any client using bitwarden, we should be able to set up a folder for them (in their bitwarden instance) and allow the client level, and asset level (as a subfolder of the main one) passwords, notes and even documents.
IN FACT - we can set up their locally hosted instance of vaultwarden and then sell them on the service. IT SAVES ATERA $ on hosting data, and gives MSP clients a selling point.
this could be done via selfhosted vaultwarden_rs instances, and allow Atera to keep files and details offline in a hosted vaultwarden_rs instance instead of in their network
It would offload file hosting and so forth, whilst allowing clients of the MSP to see it all
best part is that you are offloading the data storage to the MSP
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