setting up new clients - ie folders etc?
I discussion around how people are setting up new clients.
I feel given the API allows us to create folders, we could basically do a script to set up our default folder list whilst creating new clients.
Does anyone feel like sharing their list of folders that they normally assign?
has anyone else scripted this?
Hope you are doing great.
I want to add a bit to this. Folders can be used only for devices, you cannot add contacts/users to folders or anything else.
Folders allow you to assign threshold and IT Automation profiles to the folder itself, which will be automatically added to the devices within a folder. There are also other options, like setting up alert settings and so on.
In my experience, most of our clients use folders to segment types of agents. For example, a folder for servers, a folder for Windows devices, a folder for Mac agents, a folder for Linux devices, and so on. It is up to you.
I did see some customers use folders in a different way. They had a Customer/Site that had multiple locations. So they created folders for each location of the customer/site. That is another way to do it.
I would also like to see what other customers are doing.
Regarding scripting, unfortunately, i don't have any details on my end.
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