So... AIT is going to be extra now?



  • martin.strutinski
    martin.strutinski Member Posts: 3

    Pricing is still out there. That pricing makes sense on "rich" countries like UK/US or others.
    In my area it won't be justified and will be not even considered for most small to medium companies. Even if we had dedicated sales team in our company they would not be able to talk black to white.

    And about thresholds … most of these things are not AI related.

    And even now without ai and even before atera most automated things didint need any AI.

    Most of time client did not know any small developing problem at all. Since we were mitigating them before these even became big noticeable problems - without AI.

    Most of time client is clueless about IT problem and even more so if they don't have their own IT department. They will know ofc about possible needed changes or mitigated problems from end of month report.

  • info.alanbarnes1988
    info.alanbarnes1988 Member Posts: 6

    The extra stuff clogging the interface up and you can't remove that AI column in the table settings, one of the only you can't remove. Why is that? Also if you move away from this page and go back the table settings don't stick. Ouch.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 369 admin


    Regarding Back behavior in tables - The design team have received this feedback thx!
    And regarding the AI UI - I'm re-iterating it with our product team as well.
    Are you the Admin? One of the plans is to allow that member to control that area in the future.

  • info.alanbarnes1988
    info.alanbarnes1988 Member Posts: 6


    Yes I am the admin and that is the main admin account view in my previous picture.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 369 admin

    Gotcha, thanks!