Email Technician if Customer updates a Ticket

NJS_FCL Member Posts: 10

Hi - is there a condition on the Automation Rules that could alert the assigned Technician if/when the und user updates the Open Ticket in the portal?

E.g Hi <technician> how are you getting on with my request?

We're just starting out with this and looking into all options.



  • dragos.t
    dragos.t Support Moderator Posts: 42 admin

    Hello @NJS_FCL,

    I hope you are doing well.

    The easiest way to achieve this is by making a ticket automation rule with the Ticket Contact/User Responded trigger.

    Then add an action with Sent and Email to Technician, and select a template that you wish your technician to receive. In the template, you can also use the Contact Last Comment snippet, this snippet will display the last comment sent by a contact/user on a ticket. There must be a technician assigned on a ticket for this setup to work.

    I hope this helps.

    NJS_FCL Member Posts: 10

    Ah thanks, it was the trigger type is was missing.