Centralized MFA for Office 365 users
As anyone got a solution to manage MFA for office 365 users, we don't want individual users to have control over there MFA on office 365, just looking a centralized way of managing it?
I am interested in this as well
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Isn't that the idea of MFA that only the specific user does have the access?
Alternatively you can use a system like e.g. Keeper and share the details.Or do I missunderstand the request?
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What use case would you use this for?
Like the help desk must authenticate for them?
Seems like MFA with extra steps.Better to use Conditional Access policies to block things you don't want like logins outside of the country.
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I agree that this seems like a lot of additional requests for you, especially if you're using shorter session lifetimes for beefed up security.
That said, we use 1Password to store authentication details centrally and the integration for MFA ("one time passwords" in 1Password speak) is quite slick.
It can't, of course, accommodate the 2-digit push confirmation that the newest Microsoft Authenticator uses.
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