Network Discovery and Mapping
Perhaps I missed it, but is there a mapping add-on or third party app that could integrate with Network discovery to create network maps, inclluding routers, switches and the like?
Hi @pgorski - Network Discovery enables you to add SNMP devices such as printers, scanners, routers, and UPS units to your Atera instance for monitoring and management purposes.
You can achieve this with Network Discovery:
And be sure to check your SNMP settings:
To monitor SNMP devices:
For some more info, visit:
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Yes, I know about the network discovery feature, but I'm looking for actual maps, diagrams. Atera, then Atera plus Network Discovery, collects most of the information for the basis of a map, it would be nice to be able to generate maps from within the system. Thank you.
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Thank you for the vote Matthias. I would assume this would be a paid add-on, like Network Discovery. The solution would either built into the Atera platform or possibly a third-party add on. I wouldn't expect it for free.
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Hi @pgorski - This is a great idea. I would suggest adding it to our Features Board! Let the voting begin!
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Have you looked at Domotz, we looked at both Domotz and Network Discovery and found more value in Domotz. It's easy to use and fairly inexpensive, and is an add on through Atera.
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