Restart outside of active hours

Is it just us but thats not working.

We have it set to restart outside active hours 06:00 - 20:00 but it will force restart in the middle of the day. Devices for several different clients gets restarted during those active hours. It has become a problem and we need to fix this.

So how do we correct that.


  • heimir
    heimir Member Posts: 36

    Also, the reboot function should prompt the users to let them know it will restart to give them a chance to save their work. It just pops up and tell you its restarting and there are nothing you can do about it.

  • slawson
    slawson Member Posts: 2

    Having the same experience here as well. Some users get the prompt, others don't. We are planning to use maintenance windows this patching cycle to control this and will let you know how that works or not.