Custom Ticket fields used in ticket forms don't update in Atera if updated by user

justin Member Posts: 6

I'm playing around with ticket form templates / custom fields and have found something that I believe may be a bug…

If an end user updates a custom field in the ticket in the portal, it doesn't update in Atera, however if I update the field in the ticket in Atera, it DOES update in the ticket in the portal.

Is this deliberate, or is it in fact a bug?

It makes things very difficult if I'm intending to ask end users to go into the portal and update the specific details in a ticket as a way of getting them to use the portal and templates rather than just send an email.


  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Good catch! 🐛

    Our team have been informed and are looking into it.

  • gilgi
    gilgi Administrator, Moderator, Internal Posts: 414 admin

    Could you please try again, making sure to fill all required fields?
    LMK if that changes the outcome @justin