Update your Notification Preferences to stay in the loop and in the know!
Make sure you don't miss any important messages from the community. Some notifications you won't want to miss:
- When I earn a badge
- When people comment on my discussions
- Private messages
- When people mention me (@username)
To set up your pop-up or email notifications in the community, go to:
Account & Privacy > Notification Preferences > Select which notifications you would like to see either via pop-up or email > Save General Preferences.
In addition to the general notification settings in your community profile, you can also receive a pop-up or email notifications every time there is a new discussion or comment posted in a specific topic that you might be interested in.
For example, if you want to be notified by either pop-up or email when a new discussion is created, all you need to do is go to that topic that interests you, select the 3 dots to the right and select "Follow".
Once you've selected all the topics you would like to follow, you can go to your Notification Preferences and update if you'd like to get a pop-up or email in the event of a new discussion.
Alternatively, you can go to the topics page > select the subtopic, for example: Getting Started > Select the bell icon and update your preferences:
To see all the topics you are following, you can go to the Discussions page or the Topics page and select "View" and then select "Following" to see all the topics you are following. The topics you follow will also appear under your Notification Preferences, scroll down to "Followed Categories" and there you can edit the pop-up and email notifications.
⚠ Caution: Should you select the 'Discussions and Comments' option, you'll receive notifications each time a new discussion AND comment is created in that category.
- All Topics
- 43 Getting started
- 26 Read before posting
- 9 Meet and greet
- 268 General
- 73 News and announcements
- 2 Swag
- 3 Roadmap updates
- 1 Product Survey
- 88 Resources
- 14 Knowledge Base
- 18 Webinars
- 1 Shared Script Library
- 2 Blog
- 21 Pro Tips
- 30 Got an idea?
- 3 Atera Academy
- 3 ActionAI
- 1 Copilot
- 144 Remote Monitoring and Management
- 85 Remote Monitoring
- 29 Patch Management
- 112 Professional Services Automation
- 67 Helpdesk
- 17 Billing
- 24 Reporting
- 43 Integrations & add-ons
- 23 Integrations
- 11 Add-ons
- 109 Scripting and automations
- 62 Scripts
- 32 Automations